Exhaustive Weakly Wandering Sequences and Alpha-type Transformations


  • Stanley Eigen Northeastern University Math Dept., 360 Huntington Ave Boston, MA, 02115 USA
  • John Lindhe Northeastern University Math Dept. 360 Huntington Ave Boston, MA, 02115 USA


An increasing sequence of integers, $\mathbb{B}$, is given for which there exists a family of ergodic, infinite measure preserving transformations $T_\alpha$, $0 \leq \alpha \leq 1$ so that (1) $T_\alpha$ is of $\alpha$-type and (2) $\mathbb{B}$ is an exhaustive weakly wandering sequence for each $T_\alpha$.




How to Cite

S. Eigen and J. Lindhe, “Exhaustive Weakly Wandering Sequences and Alpha-type Transformations”, Armen.J.Math., vol. 7, no. 2, pp. 121–145, Dec. 2015, Accessed: Mar. 12, 2025. [Online]. Available: https://armjmath.sci.am/index.php/ajm/article/view/116