Groups whose derived subgroup is not supplemented by any proper subgroup


  • Shiv Narain Arya Post Graduate College
  • Sunil Kumar Defense Research and Development Organization
  • Gaurav Mittal Defense Research and Development Organization; Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee
  • Sandeep Kumar Defense Research and Development Organization



Derived subgroup, Supplement, Frat(G), nFrat(G), Weakly nilpotent groups, Weakly solvable groups, Free groups


In this paper, we introduce two new classes of groups that are described as weakly nilpotent and weakly solvable groups. A group $G$ is weakly nilpotent if its derived subgroup does not have a supplement except $G$ and a group $G$ is weakly solvable if its derived subgroup does not have a normal supplement except $G$. We present some examples and counter-examples for these groups and characterize a finitely generated weakly nilpotent group. Moreover, we characterize the nilpotent and solvable groups in terms of weakly nilpotent and weakly solvable groups. Finally, we prove that if $F$ is a free group of rank $n$ such that every normal subgroup of $F$ has rank $n$, then $F$ is weakly solvable.


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How to Cite

S. Narain, S. Kumar, G. Mittal, and S. Kumar, “Groups whose derived subgroup is not supplemented by any proper subgroup”, Armen.J.Math., vol. 14, no. 10, pp. 1–13, Jul. 2022, doi: 10.52737/18291163-2022.14.10-1-13.