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Evaluation subgroups of a map and the rationalized $G$-sequence


  • Oteng Maphane Botswana International University of Science and Technology



Evaluation subgroups, Gottlieb group, $G$-sequence


In this paper, we determine, in terms of the Sullivan models, rational evaluation subgroups of the inclusion $ \mathbb{C} P(n)\hookrightarrow \mathbb{C} P(n+k) $ between complex projective spaces and, more generally, the $ G $-sequence of the homotopy monomorphism $ \iota: X\hookrightarrow Y $ between simply connected formal homogeneous spaces for which $ \pi_{\ast}(Y)\otimes \mathbb{Q}$ is finite dimensional.


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How to Cite

Evaluation subgroups of a map and the rationalized $G$-sequence. (2022). Armenian Journal of Mathematics, 14(2), 1-10.