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On the power integrability with a weight of trigonometric series from $RBVS_{+,\omega}^{r,\delta }$ class


  • Xhevat Krasniqi University of Prishtina



$L^p-$integrability, Trigonometric series, Almost monotone sequence, Rest bounded variation sequence, Modulus of continuity


In this article, we have presented the necessary and sufficient conditions for the
power integrability with a weight of the sum of sine and cosine series whose
coefficients belong to the $RBVS_{+,\omega}^{r,\delta }$ class.


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How to Cite

X. Krasniqi, “On the power integrability with a weight of trigonometric series from $RBVS_{+,\omega}^{r,\delta }$ class”, Armen.J.Math., vol. 12, no. 8, Sep. 2020, Accessed: Feb. 23, 2025. [Online]. Available: