Journal Impact Factor and CiteScore of the Armenian Journal of Mathematics have increased


We want to inform our readers and authors about increasing the journal's metrics. This was made possible thanks to the coordinated work of the authors, reviewers and editors.

Among other databases, the Armenian Journal of Mathematics is indexed by the Web of Science and Scopus. Their metrics indicate the journal's ranking in its category. The Journal Impact Factor (JIF)™, provided by Web of Science, is widely used to evaluate the quality and impact of research published in a specific journal. It is calculated by dividing the number of citations received by articles published in the journal during the two preceding years by the total number of articles published in the same journal during the same period. The analogous metric by Scopus is the CiteScore which measures the average citations received per document published in the journal.

According to the Web of Science, the 2023 JIF for the Armen. J. Math. is 0.5. In the Category Ranking, the Armen. J. Math. is in the third quartile (Q3) now.

According to Scopus, there is an increase in the CiteScore of the Armen. J. Math., and for 2023 it consists of 0.6. The journal remains in Q4 in the Scopus ranking list.

The updated information on the journal's metrics can be found on the Index page.